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After a quick pat down I passed indian them off to the state policewomen to be held away from the action. I learned later that a careful search of Mrs. Haynes turned up a detailed ledger showing the group’s sales, profits, and offshore accounts of more than ten million dollars. Now there were only three fugitives—Jeremy Haynes, Joe Wilson, and one of the truck drivers. There was sporadic firing, but mostly it was intended to locate targets. Max and I crept forward again, keeping low. We turned left once we had reached a group of drug-laden pallets. About twenty feet away, facing to our right were Joe Wilson and the remaining Mexican taking shelter behind some steel gears for a tall conveyor belt. I signaled Max to follow as I scooted further to my left in order to get behind them. I was able to whisper their location into my radio once I had crawled behind a rusty steel cart. Once again I yelled, “IT’S OVER HAYNES. I’M BEHIND YOU AND THERE’S NO PLACE FOR YOU TO GO. GIVE IT UP WHILE YOU STILL CAN.” Wilson and the Mexican looked quickly behind them while I fired my Colt Python over their heads. Wilson threw his weapon down, but the Mexican ran. I called into the radio not to shoot as Max instinctively took off after him. Haynes, seeing no alternative, ducked into the warehouse where they had planned to store the drugs. The Mexican had run all of thirty feet when 130 pounds of asian dog took him down. He lay on his stomach with Max’s jaws around his neck when I walked up to him. Once I had him secured I stood him up and the state officers Non Nude approached with Wilson also handcuffed. We retreated when Haynes fired two shots that flew barely over our heads. You’re constantly learning.” Sherry came down for another long sensual indian kiss as she gripped my hard-on then went to her back on the floor. Bonnie was an african-american about30 yrs old and 5'9" 130 lbs. I will stay with mom," Alex said while he gently pushed Julie's hair from her face. Two hours later, I was sitting naked in a chair in our small bathroom. I was getting a bit tired of the shops (yes, amazing isn’t it?) He repled with "Yes... some as old me." Then he took me in his arms and kissed me gently as he slid his hand inside my jeans and I soon forgot all about the Rocky Mountain H0 Club as we made love on the lounge floor. Slipping in her pussy, in her ass, even Non Nude her mouth. When she pulled into the drive in the back, she saw that the back door was slightly ajar, as obviously Mrs. Vargas was expecting her. Give us today, asian be our good little boyfriend for just today and if you don’t want to see either me or Katie again after that, we’ll not chase you...” Storming back to the pool table she began to rack the balls as Tim came back in and shut the door. May lay there staring into nothing for along while thinking about what Mr.Jay said..."what daddy said" she corrected herself.

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